Slowing Down

Readings for today: Matthew 4:23-25, 8:14-17, Mark 1:21-39, Luke 4:31-44

One of the things I admire most about Jesus is His ability to take the time and make the time to be with His Heavenly Father. There has never been anyone more busy with more demands on their plate. Everywhere Jesus went, people came out to see Him. They brought their sick and diseased and demon-possessed. They interrupted Him constantly with their needs. They loved sitting under His teaching day after day after day. There’s a great scene from The Chosen when Jesus finishes up a day of healing and comes back to camp utterly exhausted. He can barely stand. Barely eat. Barely say His prayers before laying down to sleep. It paints a very realistic picture of what Jesus had to go through on a daily basis.

At the same time, the Gospels make it clear Jesus also took time away. He didn’t let the demands of the ministry drive Him. He didn’t let the needs of the people overwhelm Him. He refused to let anything come between Him and His first priority…His Heavenly Father. I love how Mark describes it in his Gospel. “While it was still night, way before dawn, Jesus got up and went out to a secluded spot and prayed. Simon and those with him went looking for him. They found him and said, “Everybody’s looking for you.” (Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭35‬-‭37‬ ‭MSG‬‬) One gets the sense that Jesus often found such moments. He would get up early before anyone else and spend time with His Father. He would let the Spirit minister to His heart and strengthen His body. He would talk to His Father about the plans He had for His Son. And He ultimately obeyed His Father though it led to incredible suffering and death on a cross. In all this, Jesus models for us what a life lived with God looks like even amidst the craziness and busyness of our world.

For years, I’ve tried to practice what Jesus models and here’s what I’ve discovered. The more the pace of my “external” life picks up, the more my “internal” life needs to slow down. The more demands I take on in my life, the more I need to carve out time for Jesus. Often those moments come in the middle of the night or the early morning hours when no one else in my home is awake. I find myself awake and praying for those I love and those I serve and the responsibilities God has laid on me in this particular season. I love the life I’ve been given. My life is rich and full. But the pace can be a bit overwhelming at times. I carry responsibilities as a husband and a father and a son. I carry responsibilities as a pastor and adjunct professor. I carry responsibilities as a leader in my denomination and a trainer for church planters internationally. I write blogs and record podcasts. I read voraciously. I work out faithfully. But most importantly, I spend time each day with God. I carve out the time I need to be alone with Him so I can receive His wisdom and be strengthened by His Spirit so I accomplish all the plans He has for me.

Readings for tomorrow: John 3-5