God Listens

Readings for today: Psalms 3-4, 13, 28, 55

Today’s Psalms contain precious promises for the believer. They are a reminder that we can always turn to God in our time of need. He is a very present help in times of trouble. He is with us always even to the end of the age. He draws near to the broken-hearted and crushed in spirit. He doesn’t stand apart from us when we grieve or mourn or cry out in pain. Listen again to just a few of the verses. Let these words sink deep into your soul today.

“But you, God, shield me on all sides; You ground my feet, you lift my head high; With all my might I shout up to God, His answers thunder from the holy mountain. I stretch myself out. I sleep. Then I’m up again—rested, tall and steady, Fearless before the enemy mobs Coming at me from all sides.” (Psalms‬ ‭3‬:‭3‬-‭6‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

“Why is everyone hungry for more? “More, more,” they say. “More, more.” I have God’s more-than-enough, More joy in one ordinary day.” (Psalms‬ ‭4‬:‭6-7a‬ ‭MSG)‬‬

“Blessed be God— he heard me praying. He proved he’s on my side; I’ve thrown my lot in with him. Now I’m jumping for joy, and shouting and singing my thanks to him. God is all strength for his people, ample refuge for his chosen leader; Save your people and bless your heritage. Care for them; carry them like a good shepherd.” (Psalms‬ ‭28‬:‭6‬-‭9‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

Recently, I was talking to some friends about how when the pace of life ramps up on the outside, we need to slow down on the inside. When the exterior life is running and gunning, we need our interior life to slow down so we can experience the strength and peace of God. My life right now is pretty crazy. I lead a large church. I have national responsibilities with my denomination. I teach seminary. I just got back from training church planters in Africa and serve on the board of the ministry. Even more importantly, I am a husband and a father. Though my children are older, they still need my help at various times. My parents are aging and my father has been in and out of the hospital recently. So life is pretty full right now. At times, I feel overwhelmed. When I feel overwhelmed, it’s a great reminder to slow my interior life down and spend even more time with the Lord in silence and solitude and quiet reflection. When I do, He fills me with His strength. He fills me with His wisdom. He energizes me for every task. He helps me be fully present in every moment.

God listens to our prayers. Such a simple and yet deeply profound statement. God hears our cries. God is engaged in our lives. God knows our needs. God is good and faithful and true. He is dependable and gives His children good gifts if they will but seek Him. Whatever is going in your life today, cry out to the Lord! Wait patiently on Him to answer your prayers and give you what you need to make it through every moment of every day.

Readings for tomorrow: 2 Samuel 16-18