Abuse of Power

Readings for today: 1 Kings 20-21

At first glance, the story of Naboth’s vineyard seems to not be a big deal. Not cast against the backdrop of the geopolitical scene in the Ancient Near East. It would seem that Ahab has much bigger fish to fry as he wrestles over his relationship with his neighbors. But the true intentions of our hearts are often revealed in how we handle the small challenges of life. On some level, it’s easier to understand why Ahab makes the decision he makes regarding Ben-Hadad. He is doing his best to secure alliances to keep his kingdom safe. Now it’s not the right decision. It certainly isn’t God’s will and he rightfully falls under judgment but I think we all can recognize the pressures he’s under. But the episode with Naboth is petty and small and reveals the depths of the greed and selfishness that runs through Ahab’s heart.

Ancestral land is a big deal in Israel. It traces all the way back to the original allotment given to each tribe and each family when Joshua divided the land. This is why Naboth resists the king when he asks for his vineyard. We’re not just talking about a business transaction here. We’re talking about transgressing the law of God who gave Naboth and his family the land in the first place. To relinquish his land to the king is to dishonor the gift of God. That’s why he cannot accept the king’s money or even the offer of a better vineyard. Jezebel obviously has no qualms about stealing the land. She was a pagan princess with no connection to the covenant relationship God has with Israel. She doesn’t understand it much less respect it. She simply does what all those with power do. She takes what she wants when she wants it. She arranges a hit on Naboth and Ahab embraces the scheme thus cementing his doom and that of his family.

Now think about your own life. How have you responded to the pressures of trusting God when facing the big challenges of your life? Even more importantly, how do you trust God in the small things? The everyday decisions you have to make. The ordinary. The mundane. The seemingly insignificant. Nothing is insignificant in the eyes of God. All of life is sacred. Every decision is an opportunity to trust the Lord. Make sure you are honoring God today.

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 18-20