Taking God for Granted

Readings for today: Numbers 11-13, Psalms 43

It’s so easy to take God for granted. It’s so tempting to treat God’s miracles as mundane. It’s so common for us to grumble and complain. It’s like our national past-time. As a pastor, I have spent time with people who literally have it all. They are among the wealthiest people on the face of the earth. They have a loving spouse and great kids. They have a good career and meaningful work. But still they are not satisfied. Still they struggle with discontent. No matter how much God gives them, it never seems to be enough. The same was true for Israel.

Think of all God has done for His people. Delivered them from Egypt. Wiped out their enemies. Created a path through the Red Sea. Met them face to face at Mt. Sinai. Fed them with manna in the wilderness. Gave them water from a rock. One would think after experiencing such miracles that they would never lose faith. Not true. As their journey drags on and more hardships come, they forget what God has done for them and they begin to complain. The journey’s too hard. They’re tired of eating manna. Those closest to Moses - Aaron and Miriam - question his leadership ability. The scouts return with a report about giants in the Promised Land. And with each successive blow, the people’s faith grows weaker and weaker. They have taken their eyes off God.

What about you? Have you taken your eyes off Christ? Are you feeling weighed down by the burdens you carry? Have you forgotten all God has done for you? Have the miracles He’s performed become mundane? Do the blessings you’ve received never seem to satisfy? Accept the invitation of Christ. The author and perfecter of our faith. The One who promises to give rest to all who come to Him. The only One who can truly satisfy every longing of our hearts.

Readings for tomorrow: Numbers 14-16, Psalms 44